Should you use a Farm Loan Broker or a Bank Loan Broker?
When any farmer considers using a loan broker to borrow, the following question should be considered:
How can a farmer be properly served by a bank broker who is paid substantial commission by a bank?
Cannot serve 2 masters
The broker can either serve the bank or the borrower. They can’t serve both. What the bank makes, the farm borrower loses. What protects the bank makes the farmer vulnerable. Who do the brokers deal with most, one borrower or one bank? The one bank of course.
More suitable farm loan fit.
At we do not accept any commission or payment from the bank. We work for farm borrowers only. As the bank does not pay a farm broker on loans we negotiate, we work to get farm borrowers a substantial reduction in the farm loan cost.
How to get the best loan?
Borrow Better with by having banks compete for your farm loan business.
Cost of borrowing for farming
The most important part of a farm loan is the price you pay for them not the actual farm loan approval, because borrowing is easy but paying it back is hard.
Interest rate is not the only consideration of a farm loan.
Apart from the obvious Interest rate there are:
- Setup charges
- Bank fees
- Amount and timing of regular repayments
- loan contract terms
- Conditions under which the bank loan can be called to be repaid in full
- Flexibility if the farmer strikes hard times, gets sick, loses income
- Ability to repay early or faster.
- Farm Borrower’s ability to meet repayments out of income as only interest will be tax deductible
- Farm Borrower's relationship with with the bankers involved.
Ruthless farm debt collectors can quickly replace smiling bank lenders.
Who will gain the most financially from the farm loan? Make it the farmer!
Farm Borrowers can achieve a better financial out come by using consultants.
Call now for a friendly chat 0428 417 498, 0422 907 155, 02 9988 3312